What to choose:
a website
or a landing page?

What to choose: a website or a landing page?

First, define the term itself and start with the landing page. Not everyone understands, even what it is, and they do not understand the difference with the website.

A landing page is any page that encourages the user to do something. For example, order a callback, leave contacts for useful materials or download a product presentation. Unlike the website, the user is asked to do one thing on the landing page. Such pages are created for a narrow audience. They can be effectively used in advertising and when you need to focus on something specific – sales, information, invitations to subscribe to a newsletter, etc.

If you have a business or your activity is related to people, a landing page is helpful for you. Landing pages are helpful whenever an offer can be placed in a button.

So how is a landing page different from a website?
  1. The Landing page is one long page that contains all the information you need to sell your goods or services to a visitor. The site is the opposite – all data (reviews, cases, partners, contacts) is divided into pages. And this is not good because each transition to another page potentially reduces conversion – loading speed, interest after viewing the main page to navigate to others – all this reduces the likelihood that the user will reach the “buy” or “order” button.
  2. The essence of a landing page is to perform a targeted action. This page leads precisely from the first to the last semantic block. The site, in turn, may be for informational or informational purposes only, and the forms on the site may not be sharpened at all for any action that directly or indirectly leads to the sale.
  3. Focusing on one thing. If you pay attention to the landing pages, you will notice that most do not even have navigation, and if they do, it only leads a little further down the page to other semantic blocks. The site has navigation, and each page is a piece of information about a company, product or service.
  4. The user has only two potential actions on the landing page: leave a request or close the tab. Some do not even post links to social media on the site that can distract attention from the proposal on the page. With the site, the situation is different. The visitor may not even perform a single action leading to the sale but only read information about the company – and even this will already complete the site’s task. Still, the target action that leads to your profit has not been performed.

If you need quick results, choose a landing page. One or more, depending on your budget and business objectives.

Choose a standard website to form a company’s image and talk about your products and new offers.

Of course, everything depends solely on your field of activity, so none of these options may suit you. There are also portfolio sites, corporate or purely information portals. The specific type of site is selected exclusively for your tasks, expectations, and in general as the business itself.